Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Full or Filled

I am often touched by the willingness of people who return to their place of upbringing...those who carry back to others what was given them for their journey.
This week, Jesus does just that. He has returned to Nazareth, the place of his upbringing, He's preaching to his friends and loved ones. He went home to spend time together. They know that he has been out spreading good news across the land, performing miracles and such. All they want upon his return apparently, is some of what he has shared with others.
I suppose it is not an unrealistic expectation. But what happened to the relationship of mutuality? When Jesus declares ancient prophecy has been fulfilled in their hearing the Nazarenes get a little sideways because they are expecting signs and wonders and all they get, at least in their opinion, is a sermon full of words.
It begs the question, are the townspeople full of the love that they helped produce? Or have they allowed their disappointment and unmet expectations to fill them with misguided rage?
Perhaps it is, that they don't realize that their lives are full, and Jesus returned to remind them of that. They have everything they need to go about the work in their community taking care of those in be light in the darkness.
How often it is in our own context that we drive up to the red light and witness a street vendor or a panhandler and think why are you out here? Certainly you have everything you need, if not in your possession at least available to you through Public Services. We allow ourselves to be filled with disgust and hardness of heart.
For us who have been raised in the Christian tradition, we would do well to remember that the Good News of our faith comes back into our lives on a daily basis. Many times a day, actually.
If we remember our roots, we can be full of hospitality and grace. We can be full of love and mercy. And in our fullness, we are equipped upon arriving at the red share our gifts to help fill someone else's life.

For information on how you can help fill other's lives in Nashville, TN click here.
If you are looking for ways to fill others regionally or nationally click here

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