Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Beauty From Ashes: A twist on the Easter message.

It's Holy Week. And Christian communities across the world are all a buzz.

As I am known to do, I am jumping outside the box of how we traditionally think about Easter. Will I skirt around the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Absolutely not. Rather, I will embrace it, fully, but in a different light and with a broader lens.

I want to talk about the beauty and the ashes in the lives of those who live at the margins and who call themselves Christian. In particular, LGBTQ+ folks. Some would argue that a queer Christian is one of the most sure footed faithful followers. Why can we say that? Because we have worked so damn hard to preserve our faith when so much in this world would prefer that we dry up and blow away.

When the world has worked so diligently to strip one's faith and use its very foundation, the Holy Scripture, as a weapon to beat the spiritual life out of gay Christians... to rise from the ashes into a beautiful new life is no small feat.

The last 40 days of the Lenten journey delivers us to the foot of the cross this week. As we mourn the death and burial of Jesus some of us mourn the death of our own spiritual selves.

Fear not. Death does not have the last word. Jesus rose on Easter morning.

His life, as God's most precious child, is to be an example for us as we are free to accept the invitation to live out our queer Christian faith through the Easter experience.

Making beauty from the ashes is God's main production. It's a theatrical performance of the greatest proportion. God is taking all of the characters in the play and adorning them with grace, with mercy, with love, and with righteousness... placing the jeweled crown on all of their heads. God's Love wants that none should be separated, none should die a carnal death and call it good.

God makes beauty from ashes day after day. We can take hope and promise in the risen Christ. We can accept the invitation to live into the full embrace of God's love.
We can lay down, turn away, and reject all of those things that work to separate us from who is Beautiful.

We are free to leave our burned up ashes at the foot of the cross believing full well that the promises of Christ include our resurrected lives.

This Easter may you find the tomb empty, may you let the ashes of your grief, your sorrow, and the negative voices that come at you fall away.

May the Son and the Wind whisk you up into new life and make something beautiful from the ash.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures here below.
Praise God above the heavenly host. Creator, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Amen and Amen.

The ELCA Lutheran Church invites all to come and dine at the Lord's Table.

The ELCA Lutheran Church is a welcoming and affirming denomination where all are welcome regardless of race, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or ability. To learn more about the ELCA click here.

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