Change can be challenging. Sometimes so much that it threatens to suck
the life right out of us, killing the motivation to stay in the fight.
I hesitated to use that word, fight, there’s been enough of it to last us
a long time.
It’s the fight that has zapped us.
I’m here to put some wind in your sails though, keep at it.
The payoff is in process.
This week’s gospel lesson tells the story of a fishing trip gone rogue.
After the disciples finally left the upper room and resumed their “normal”
lives (like a visit from Jesus is normal?) they took to the water.
A long night of dropping their line produced nothing... until from the shore
Jesus shouted, “drop it again to the right!”
What interested me is the reality that despite the empty nets the fishermen
pulled up, God was at work in the background. Sometimes all it takes
is one more drop, one more cast, one more haul and then, change arrives.
We have to stay in it. We have to do our part.
The work to effect change is long and arduous. It’s easy to give up.
Staying in it, keeping your hand to the plow as we we say
in the liberation movement, is what it takes.
Allies, we need you!
LGBTQ+ folks, we need you!
Youth, we need you!
Elders, we need you!
If you are tired, Jesus says, “come to me all you who are weary
and I’ll give you rest.”
We need to rest in order to regenerate, yes. But it is only a pause.
No sustainable change comes when we refuse to get back up, go back out,
and drop that line again.
We’ve got to get behind the scenes and witness what’s happening,
despite what’s on the screen. They fished all night, nothing.
But, one more cast produced more than they could imagine.
The background is always active with changes.
Jesus was on the shore, building the fire, preparing the coals,
shouting the encouragements.
Movement folks, this is where your self-care and your networks come in.
Queer folks, lean on your allies when you’re tired.
Allies, lean on your queer folks when you’re tired.
The rest of a book, pray, have a conversation, pray,
teach your children, pray, throw your coins at it (i.e. financial support), pray.
Keep at people. Keep your hand on the plow and hold on.
Be refreshed and be blessed.
And if you are ELCA Lutheran...THIS is God’s work...
done through our hands.
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The ELCA affirms ALL God’s children
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